Australia Singapore COVID-19 travel bubbleAustralia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Monday 1 November 2021 that as a part of the step by step re-opening of Australia to the world. Fully Vaccinated Singaporeans who have a negative PCR test will be able to travel to Australia Quarantine free to some states of Australia. This means […]
‘Great victory’ for migrants: Proposed Citizenship bill struck down
The Hon Tony Burke MP gave a final speech in the senate this afternoon that will warm the hearts of those aspiring to become Australian Citizens. At the end of the senate sitting afternoon, Tony announced that the Governments Citizenship Bill – the one meant to make it really hard to become an Australian citizen […]
Changes to Partner Visa processing
Partner Visa News: Just announced The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has announced that the following will impact on processing TIMES. Processing of onshore partner visas is no longer allocated by month of lodgement Priority to be given to low-risk, fully complete, applications that immediately satisfy Partner criteria Read More here To understand […]
Government increases offshore Visa fees from July 1 2015
Australian Government increasing Offshore Partner Visa and Prospective Marriage fees by over 32% from July 1st 2015 Lodging off shore (outside of Australia) PARTNER VISA CHARGES * Provisional and permanent partner visas – for the main applicant currently $4,630 increased to $6,865 For applications lodged on or after the 1st of July, 2015 the Visa […]
Partner Visa Price Increase – 1 January 2015
Breaking NEWS Australian Government increasing Partner Visa fees by 50% from January 1st 2015 PARTNER VISA CHARGES * Provisional and permanent partner visas – currently $3085 increased to $4627.50 * Prospective marriage visa – currently $3085 increased to $4627.50 * Temporary and permanent partner visas – currently $4575 increased $6865.50 Further information can be found […]
Australian Working holiday visa, Who is my Employer? How long can I work for them?
Are you on a 417 Working Holiday Visa or a 462 Work and Holiday Visa? I know that you are probably working hard, playing hard and enjoying your time in Australia! Have you ever wondered what the 6 month work restriction really means? As you know, the purpose of the working holiday visa is to have […]
Work and Holiday Visa Israel and Australia coming soon
Work and Holiday Visa between Israel and Australia Announced. Do you want to Work and have a Holiday in Israel? Do you live in Israel, and want to Work and Holiday in Australia? The Australian and Israeli Government have recently signed an agreement. This agreement will let 500 Australians and 500 Israelis aged between 18 and 30 […]
Aged Parent Window of opportunity
NEWSFLASH Family Migration Window of opportunity Would you love your Aged Parent(s) to be in Australia for Christmas!! and then stay? Having extended family members in your life and the lives of your children can help you build a strong, healthy family. Your aged parents can now join you and your family here in Australia. […]
What is an Aged Parent
Do you want to bring your parent to Australia? If you have an aged parent, there is a small 6 month window where you can bring them to Australia with out the expense of a Contributory Parent Visa. This window now appears to have been extended, but could close at any time. Contact us now […]
Australia and Poland sign a work and holiday agreement
Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash (Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection) has today announced a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement has been signed with Poland. This arrangement will allow 200 young Polish and 200 young Australians per year to holiday, engage in short term work and study in each other’s countries. The work and […]