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Congratulations! you are well on your way to ensuring you have a strong application, we all want the best outcome for you and your loved ones. So take a moment to read through these insider pointers:
1) Not Telling A Submission Story. Having all the necessary documents is not enough. When you submit your application, the papers and documents do not speak for themselves, so you have to provide a story to go with it, this story ties your papers and documents to the actual law behind your ability to get the visa.
2) Form Filler Extraordinaire. Your visa application is not just about ticking boxes and filling in forms, however if the form isn’t correct, you won’t get the visa. Make your communication clear, understandable, and easy to read by immigration officers who will be reviewing your documents.
3) Not providing the correct or required documents. Your visa application is merited on the documents that you include in support. Immigration rules can be very strict: failure to provide the correct specified document could result in major administrative delays or even refusal of an application. Connect with us to find out more
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