Term of Use

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By using this website and our contact forms, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions of use as set out below.

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions, then you may not use our website.

By gaining access to and using any part of our website, you are bound by these terms and conditions.

Where you are providing information to us, you must ensure that all information provided is true and accurate. Unless otherwise specified, the material publish on our website is presented for your personal and non-commercial use. It is presented by way of reference and we make no warranty that the content is free from error.

Migration Information

From time to time, we may present on our website information related to the Migration Act, Migration Regulations, policy and guidelines issued by the Department of Immigration and Boarder Protection. Whilst we will endeavour to take care in preparing and presenting the Migration Information, the Migration Information does not constitute and is not intended to be migration advice. The Migration Information is presented as a point of reference only, is general in nature and may not reflect the up to date law on migration and does not represent your personal circumstances.

You should not use the Migration Information without first contacting us in order to have your individual circumstances and requirements considered in order for proper migration advice to be given. If you transmit your personal details, information or circumstances to us using our website, it is not to be taken to be your engagement of Migration Australia WA as your migration agent. Your acceptance of our letter of appointment and payment of an upfront fee as specified in the letter of appointment is required to create a `migration agent – client’ relationship.

 Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we exclude completely all liability to any person for loss or damage of any kind (however caused, including by negligence) arising from or in connection with your accessing, receiving, or using any of the Migration Information and/or any use of our website


We do not guarantee that our website can be accessible by you at all times, that it will operate continuously and that it will be error free. We take no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of the presence of inadvertent errors, breakdown of continuity of availability of website or any error causing the website being inaccessible. You must not endeavour to tamper with any contents or hack or attempt to hack into our information systems, through our website or by any other means.

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Relationship Statement
