A weekend can feel like an island of peace after a grueling work week. But it’s only a matter of hours before boredom starts to set in. Fortunately, Perth has a pulsating nightlife scene that offers fun and entertainment for families, couples and singles, and can keep you busy on weekend evenings. The nightlife […]
Government increases offshore Visa fees from July 1 2015
Australian Government increasing Offshore Partner Visa and Prospective Marriage fees by over 32% from July 1st 2015 Lodging off shore (outside of Australia) PARTNER VISA CHARGES * Provisional and permanent partner visas – for the main applicant currently $4,630 increased to $6,865 For applications lodged on or after the 1st of July, 2015 the Visa […]
Sports and Outdoor Activities in Perth
An Enchanting Prison Perth reveals itself to be the most easy-going and pleasant cities some time after you’ve made it your home, but settling here can be quite unsettling in the beginning. The largest city in Western Australia has the reputation for being the most isolated in the world, so you might feel you’re living […]
Understanding the local lingo
The people of Western Australia have some very colourful phrases that can be very difficult to understand at first. Here we will try to explain the basics of understanding the local way of speaking. An important thing to remember when listening to Australians is that they tend to shorten words and this is very common amongst […]
Easter Celebrations in Australia
The majority of Australians celebrate Easter even if they don’t follow the Christian traditions. Easter is a wonderful time for family and friends to get together and have fun. The celebrations start with Good Friday, which is always a public holiday in Australia. This is a great day to spend with your close family, relaxing […]
Buying a Car in Perth
You may feel you need to buy a car in order to go to the shops, explore the countryside and in most cases commute to work. Perth is a big city and the distances between places that you need to get to can be huge. Buying a car in Australia is a fairly simple experience. […]
Public Transport in Perth
On arrival in Perth, you will need to use public transport at least for the first few days. The public transport system is very good and some people choose to use it for their commute to work especially if they work in the city centre. We’re here now what? Taxi or Shuttle? Friends or family? […]
Opening a bank account in WA
One of the most important steps in moving to a new country is opening a bank account in that country. It can be very confusing and the system may be very different to what you are used to. Here a few important things to remember: You will need to take along some sort of identification […]
How to bring your wife to Australia
Sometimes my clients ask me” How do I bring my wife to Australia?” There are a number of places to start to answer this question. However, I have some questions that you may want to answer first. These are: Option 1: Do you want to bring your wife to Australia on a tourist visa first? […]
Letter of Invitation for an Australian Tourist Visa
Have you ever wanted to invite a friend to visit Australia? Don’t know how to write a letter of Invitation for an Australian Tourist Visa? It can be quite challenging to write a letter of invitation for a tourist visa to Australia. It is very important to get the wording right. You need to provide […]