As your Migration Agent, we navigate the waters of uncertainty with you to reduce stress and gain clarity easing your workload from start to finish. Working with you and your partner’s unique situation.


Missing your mum? Having extended family members in your life and the lives of your children can help you build a strong, healthy family. Get the extended family support you need.


So you have received a Visa Refusal Letter? We are here to help, this is a challenging time but you are now no longer alone. Let’s work together to see what the best way forward for you will be.


Overseas Migration Fuels WA Population Growth

According to the Australian Bureau or Statistics, Migration from overseas has continued to fuel the Western Australian economy, accounting for almost two thirds (63 per cent) of the state’s total growth in the year to 31 March 2013, according to ...
457 school fees

Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett announces 457 visa school fee changes

Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett announced today that the planned school fees payable by children of 457 visa holders  attending public schools will be delayed by a year until 2015. This means that the Western Australian State Government’s  measures requiring ...

Tony Abbott announces new immigration minister

Tony Abbott has announced a new immigration minister and Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection while unveiling his new cabinet today. Mr Scott Morrison MP will be Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. Senator Michaelia Cash will be Assistant ...