Help, My Thai Partner is Pregnant and I Want My Baby Born in Australia!

Partner visa 820, visitor visa, Pregnant Thai Partner, Bring my Girl to Australia

Your Thai girlfriend is pregnant and you want to have your baby in Australia. Understanding Your Visa Pathways

Welcoming a new baby into the world is always exciting—but if you and your partner are living across borders, the journey can also become somewhat complex. If your Thai partner is pregnant and you’d like your baby to be born in Australia, you might be wondering which visas are possible, what your obligations are, and how to start the process. Below, we’ll explore the key factors to consider, including obtaining a Visitor Visa for your partner to come to Australia and later applying for an onshore Partner Visa once they have arrived.

1. Why Have Your Baby in Australia?

There are various reasons why parents-to-be want their child born in Australia, ranging from having access to high-quality healthcare, ensuring both parents can be present and supportive, and, of course, providing the child the potential opportunity of gaining Australian citizenship. In many cases, if one parent is an Australian citizen or permanent resident, the child may be eligible to become an Australian citizen by birth or can be registered for citizenship once they are born.

2. Visitor Visa (Subclass 600) for Your Partner

If your partner is currently in Thailand and you want them to come to Australia for the birth of your child, the most straightforward initial pathway is often to apply for a Visitor Visa (Subclass 600). This type of visa typically allows short-term stays for tourism, family visits, or other temporary reasons.

Key Points for a Visitor Visa

  • Purpose of Visit: The Department of Home Affairs will consider whether the primary purpose—attending prenatal appointments and eventually giving birth—is genuine.
  • Genuine Temporary Entrant Requirement: Your Thai partner must show they intend to depart Australia before their visa expires unless you have other valid plans (e.g., lodging an onshore Partner Visa) that are legally permitted.
  • Supporting Documents: Evidence of financial capacity, ties to Thailand (such as property, employment, or family), and intent to comply with visa conditions will be crucial. Letters of support from you (the Australian partner) and proof of relationship (photos, communications, etc.) can help establish genuine intentions.
  • Health and Travel Insurance: Ensuring your partner has comprehensive health insurance is extremely important, especially since pregnancy and childbirth can involve significant healthcare costs in Australia.

Please note that condition 8503 (“No Further Stay”) may sometimes be applied to Visitor Visas. If this condition is imposed, it restricts your partner from lodging an onshore visa application (including a Partner Visa) while in Australia. However, if no 8503 condition is applied, it is possible to lodge a Partner Visa onshore after entering Australia on a valid Visitor Visa.

3. Partner Visa Options Onshore

Once your partner is in Australia on a Visitor Visa (without condition 8503 or any other condition preventing further stays), you may want to transition to a Partner Visa to remain together long-term. The typical visas to consider are:

  1. Partner (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 820): This is the first stage of the onshore partner visa process. It’s lodged when your partner is already in Australia.
  2. Partner (Permanent) Visa (Subclass 801): After the Subclass 820 is granted and a suitable period has passed (usually two years from the temporary visa application), you can be assessed for the permanent stage of the visa.

Advantages of Lodging Onshore

  • Bridging Visa: Once a valid onshore Partner Visa application is lodged, your partner would generally be granted a Bridging Visa, allowing them to remain lawfully in Australia while their Partner Visa is processed. The bridging visa’s work and travel rights will depend on individual circumstances.
  • Healthcare Access: Onshore Partner Visa applicants often gain access to Medicare (Australia’s public health system) while on a bridging visa. This can be a significant advantage if your partner is pregnant, though private insurance can also be an option.
  • Stability and Peace of Mind: Being able to stay together in Australia for the duration of the pregnancy and well into the postpartum period can be a huge relief for both parents.

4. Important Points to Keep in Mind

  1. Timing and Planning

    • Pregnancy timelines are important. Securing a Visitor Visa and then transitioning to a Partner Visa can take time. Planning ahead to accommodate medical appointments and the actual due date is crucial.
  2. Health Requirements

    • Applicants must meet certain health requirements. Pregnancy can affect when and how certain medical checks are done. If your partner has an ongoing medical issue, disclose it upfront to ensure there are no surprises in the application process.
  3. Financial Considerations

    • Visas aren’t cheap, and neither is having a baby. Familiarize yourself with application fees, potential legal fees (if you choose to use a migration agent or lawyer), plus hospital and prenatal costs if you’re going through private healthcare or if there’s any period without Medicare eligibility.
  4. Character Requirements

    • Standard character checks apply (police checks, any prior visa cancellations, criminal history, etc.). Ensure full disclosure to avoid complications that could lead to a visa refusal.
  5. No Further Stay Condition

    • Monitor if the Visitor Visa has condition 8503 attached. If it does, your partner likely cannot apply for any onshore visa (including a Partner Visa) unless they successfully apply for a waiver—which can be complex and is not always granted.

5. How we can help you

Australian immigration law can be intricate, especially when expecting a child, juggling multiple visa pathways, and ensuring long-term plans. Missteps can cause delays, added expenses, and emotional stress. By booking a consultation with us we can provide tailored advice, help prepare strong applications, and reduce your risk and stress.

6. Summary

  • Visitor Visa Application

    • Meet with us and we can help you gather all relevant documents, medical coverage evidence, proof of genuine relationship, and evidence of financial ability. Demonstrate your partner’s temporary intent, unless your plan is to apply onshore for a Partner Visa afterward (provided no 8503 condition is placed).
  • Arrival in Australia

    • Once in Australia, and if there is no 8503 condition, we can help you prepare for the onshore Partner Visa application. During your partner's pregnancy, it may be particularly helpful to have your partner supported and able to access healthcare.
  • Partner Visa Onshore Application

    • Lodge the Subclass 820/801 application. Supply comprehensive evidence of your relationship, proof of pregnancy (where relevant), and ensure all character and health checks are completed in a timely manner.
  • Bridging Visa & Medicare

    • After we have lodged your onshore Partner Visa, your partner will be granted a Bridging Visa, which may come with work rights and access to Medicare.
  • Building Your Future in Australia

    • Once your baby is born, you’ll need to register the birth in Australia. If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you can also register the baby for Australian citizenship (if not automatic) or obtain an Australian passport.
  • Bringing your Thai partner to Australia for the birth of your child—and ultimately settling here as a family—can be done smoothly with the right strategy, support, and timing.

    For our clients, this has often started with a Visitor Visa to enter Australia, followed by an onshore Partner Visa application if you intend to live here together long-term. Throughout the process, being well-prepared, informed about costs, and meticulous with documentation will keep stress levels lower and help ensure the best outcome for you, your partner, and your baby on the way.

    Why choose us?

    We’ve been helping couples like you for over 12 years. We only take on applications that we think have a strong chance of success. We prepare everything thoroughly to make the best case possible. Our goal is to cover all the visa criteria and put your girlfriend’s best foot forward so the decision maker feels confident in approving her visa.

    For more info on how to get started, feel free to reach out and book a consultation with us. We’ll walk you through everything and give you a clear plan to bring your girlfriend to Australia.

     Congratulations on your growing family, and we wish you a safe and happy journey as you welcome your new baby in Australia!

    Disclaimer: The information provided here is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. Immigration rules and regulations may change, and individual circumstances vary. For advice tailored to your specific situation, consult a registered migration agent or immigration lawyer.