The Department of Immigration and Border Protection have announced changes to the acceptable Skills Assessments for Employer Nomination Scheme and Regional Skilled Migration Scheme visas. These changes take affect from 28 October 2013. Further information is available here Contact Us "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Phone*What services do you require?*Partner VisasParent/Child VisasVisa Refusal HelpVisitor visa for my partnerBusiness VisaSomething ElseAustralian Partner's Name*Overseas Partner's Name*What country is your Girlfriend/Boyfriend from?*How long have you known each other*When do you want them to come to Australia?*Name of your Overseas Child*What Visa Was refused*What date was your visa Refused?*How many years Business experience do you have?*Business visas are for High wealth individuals, What is your Net worth?*We are a Migration Agent specialising in Partner, Parent and Child visas. If you don't fit this, we may not be able to help you.*These visas require at least 1 Australian Citizen to be involved. Tell me why your query fits with the services we offerEmail* Message*CaptchaNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ